۱۳۹۲ آبان ۹, پنجشنبه

US Secretary of State John Kerry has launched his nine-day trip to Europe and Middle East by traveling to Saudi Arabia, amid a deepening diplomatic rift with the kingdom

During his stay in Saudi Arabia, Kerry "will reaffirm the strategic nature of the US-Saudi relationship, given the importance of the work between our two countries on shared challenges," State Department spokeswoman, Jen Psaki, said in a statement on Thursday.

The top US diplomat will also visit Poland, Israel, occupied Palestinian territories, Jordan, the United Arab Emirates, Algeria and Morocco during the trip from November 3 to 11, she added.

The trip comes as ties have strained with Saudi Arabia, a key US ally, over Washington's failure to launch military strikes against the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

On Wednesday, Saudi Arabia’s intelligence chief, Bandar bin Sultan, indicated that the kingdom plans to scale back its cooperation with Washington on Syria, threatening to take the alliance to its lowest points in years.

The spymaster said the United States had failed to take concrete steps to undermine Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and reinforce the armed groups fighting to remove him from power.

Riyadh earlier this month turned down a non-permanent seat on the UN Security Council, in what Bandar said was “a message for the US.”

After meeting with Saudi King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz, Kerry will travel to Poland, where the controversy over alleged National Security Agency (NSA) spying is sure to be raised. He will return to the Mideast for talks with Israeli, Palestinian Authority, Jordanian and Emirati officials

Israeli tank shelling has killed one Palestinian in the town of Khan Younis in southern Gaza Strip, a Palestinian medical official has said

Ashraf al-Kidra, a spokesman for the Health Ministry in Gaza, said the man was killed late Thursday after a number of Israeli tanks crossed the border fence into the coastal enclave.

The Palestinian resistance movement Hamas said its fighters fired mortar shells at the tanks. It added that an Israeli helicopter had also fired a rocket in the area.

The Israeli military frequently bombs the besieged Gaza Strip, claiming the attacks are being conducted for defensive purposes. However, disproportionate force is always used, in violation of international law, and civilians are often killed or injured.

The 1.7 million Palestinians of the Gaza Strip are living in what is called the world's largest open-air prison as Israel retains full control of the airspace, territorial waters, and border crossings of the territory.

Gaza has been blockaded by the Israeli regime since June 2007, a situation which has caused a decline in the standard of living, unprecedented levels of unemployment, and unrelenting poverty. 

An unnamed US government official says that Israeli warplanes have struck a military base in western Syria

The official said on Thursday that the Israeli warplanes struck the base near the coastal city of Latakia, Reuters reported.

Neither Israel nor Syria have commented on the report.

Israel has carried out strikes on Syria several times this year. Damascus says the attacks were aimed at helping the foreign-baked militants fighting against the government of President Bashar al-Assad.

On January 30, the Syrian army said two people were killed and five others injured in an Israeli airstrike on a research center in Jamraya, near Damascus.

Syria has been gripped by deadly unrest since 2011. According to reports, the Western powers and their regional allies -- especially Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey -- are supporting the militants operating inside Syria.

According to the United Nations, more than 100,000 people have been killed and millions displaced in the violence.

On October 7, the UN said over four million other Syrians will be forced out of their homes in 2014 due to the escalating conflict in the country.

Two million Syrians are expected to take refuge outside the country while another 2.25 million are predicted to be internally displaced next year. 

۱۳۹۲ آبان ۶, دوشنبه

Former US Vice President Dick Cheney said on Sunday that military action in Iran is likely unavoidable in order to stop Iran’s nuclear energy program.

Cheney, who served from 2001 to 2009 under President George W. Bush, made the remarks after George Stephanopoulos, host of ABC's 'This Week' program, asked him, "is military action against Iran inevitable?"

"I have trouble seeing how we're going to achieve our objective short of that (military action)," Cheney said.

"I doubt very much that the diplomacy will be effective if there's not the prospect that, if diplomacy fails, that we will, in fact, resort to military force," he added. “I don’t have a lot of confidence in the administration to be able to negotiate an agreement."

Cheney said such action would have served as a deterrent to Iran, and would have put the US in a better negotiating position with Iran today.

The United States, Israel and some of their allies have repeatedly accused Iran of pursuing non-civilian objectives in its nuclear energy program, with the US and European Union using the claim as an excuse to impose illegal sanctions against Tehran.

The sanctions come on top of four rounds of US-instigated UN Security Council sanctions against Iran under the same pretext.

Iran has categorically rejected the allegation, stressing that as a committed member of the IAEA and a signatory to the Non-Proliferation Treaty, it is entitled to develop nuclear technology for peaceful purposes and will not relinquish that right.

Cheney was a key architect of the US invasion of Iraq in 2003 that according to some estimates killed over one million people.

According to leaksource wordprress.com, American and foreign companies hugely profited from the war. It says the companies reaped over $138 billion from the war with KRB, formerly known as Kellogg Brown and Root, the former subsidiary of Halliburton, which was once run by Dick Cheney, raking in the most profits. The company was awarded at least $39.5 billion in federal contracts related to the Iraq war over the past decade.

A key Republican lawmaker says European citizens must be grateful that US National Security Agency spied on them because the American surveillance activities are keeping them safe

"If the French citizens knew exactly what that was about, they would be applauding and popping champagne corks. It's a good thing. It keeps the French safe. It keeps the US safe. It keeps our European allies safe," said House Intelligence Committee chairman, Representative Mike Rogers, (R-Mich.)

The GOP congressman made the incendiary remarks in an interview with CNN as outrage grows around the globe over reports of US spying on both the ordinary people and world leaders.

Rogers described the anger of foreign governments over the controversial surveillance activities as "disingenuous."

"This whole notion that we're going to go after each other on what is really legitimate protection of nation-state interest, I think is disingenuous."

He also criticized the media outlets for getting the story wrong.

"I think the bigger news story here would be... if the United States intelligence services weren't trying to collect information that would protect US interests both (at) home and abroad," he added.

The US has come under mounting pressure from even its close allies after fresh leaks by the former NSA contractor Edward Snowden revealed that it has been eavesdropping on more than 35 world leaders.

Germany, a close partner of the US, says its confidence in its ally is shaken. Berlin has also called for complete transparency over reports that NSA agents monitored the phone of Chancellor Angela Merkel for more than a decade.

Germany and Brazil are spearheading efforts to draft a resolution at the United Nations General Assembly to condemn US spying on other countries. The measure is gaining international support as 21 countries including France and Mexico have so far joined talks to hammer out the resolution

Ayatollah Khamenei

In an international forum I gave a speech against world powers and the imperial order and condemned the United States and the Soviet Union for their totalitarian domineering policies. After the speech there were many people who expressed their approval for those words; one of the heads of the countries who was a young revolutionary – and was actually killed later- came to me to say: “everything you said was right, but let me tell you that don’t look at yourselves that you’re not afraid of the U.S.; Everyone present here is afraid of the U.S.!” He then brought his head close to me and whispered: “I am afraid of the U.S., too.”
Ayatollah Khamenei, 08-02-1990

۱۳۹۲ آبان ۲, پنجشنبه

The year 2014 could be shaping up as the year that the chickens come home to roost

Americans, even well-informed ones, don’t know all of the mistakes made by neoconized and corrupted Washington in the past two decades. However, enough is known to see that the US has lost economic and political power, and that the loss is irreversible.

The economic cost of this lost will be born by what remains of the middle class and the increasingly poverty-stricken lower class. The one percent will have offshore gold holdings and large sums of money in foreign currencies and other foreign assets to see them through.

In the political arena, the collapse of the Soviet Union presented Washington with the grand opportunity to reallocate the Pentagon budget to other uses. Part of the reduction could have been returned to taxpayers for their own use. Another part could have been used to improve worn out infrastructure. And another part could have been used to repair and improve the social safety net, thus insuring domestic tranquility. A final, but perhaps most important part, could have been used to begin repaying the Treasury IOUs in the Social Security Trust Fund from which Washington has borrowed and spent $2 trillion, leaving non-marketable IOUs in the place of the Social Security payroll tax revenues that Washington raided in order to fund its wars and current operations.

Instead, influenced by neoconservative warmongers who advocated America using its “sole superpower” status to establish hegemony over the world, Washington let hubris and arrogance run away with it. The consequence was that Washington destroyed its soft power with lies and war crimes, only to find that its military power was insufficient to support its occupation of Iraq, its conquest of Afghanistan, and its financial imperialism.

Now seen universally as a lawless warmonger and a nuisance, Washington’s soft power has been squandered. With its influence on the wane, Washington has become more of a bully. In response, the rest of the world is isolating Washington.

The prime minister of India, Manmohan Singh, recently declared China and Russia to be India’s “most important partners” with whom India shares “common strategic interests.” Prime Minister Singh said: “ India and Russia have always had a convergence of views on global and regional issues, and we value Russia’s perspective on international developments of mutual interest.”

India joined China in expressing concerns about the Federal Reserve’s practice of printing money in order to cover Washington’s vast red ink. The BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) are taking steps to create their own method of settling trade accounts in order to protect themselves from the looming dollar implosion,

China has forcefully called for a “de-Americanized world.” After watching the “superpower” offshore a large part of its GDP to China and then add to the diminished tax base the burden of $6 trillion in wars that brought no booty and served no US interest, China has concluded that American power is spent. The London Telegraph thinks “it is only a matter of time before the renminbi replaces the dollar as the primary currency for trading commodities and resources.”

The Obama regime attempted to attack Syria based on the sort of lies that the Bush regime used to invade Iraq, only to be slapped down by the British Parliament and Russian government. This rebuke was followed by the childishness of the government shutdown and threat of default. Consequently, the Washington morons have lost their monopoly on economic and political leadership. A few days ago the British government announced a historic agreement that permits British investors direct access to China’s markets and allows Chinese banks to expand their operations in Great Britain.

In Australia, the US dollar will no longer be used as the currency in which to settle the Australian trade accounts with China. Instead of dollars, trade will be settled in the Chinese currency.

Washington served as cheerleader, as did most economists and libertarians, while US corporations, greedy for short-term profits and executive bonuses, offshored US industry and manufacturing, calling it free trade. The obvious and predicted result is that China’s demand for resources needed to fuel its industrial and manufacturing power now dominates markets. This means that the US dollar is being displaced as world currency. The only market that America dominates is the market for financial fraud.

When industrial, manufacturing, and tradeable professional service jobs are offshored, they take US GDP and tax base with them. The foreign country gets the benefit of the relocated economic activity. Due to the revenues lost from jobs offshoring, there is a large gap between federal revenues and federal expenditures. As Washington’s irresponsible behavior has raised so many doubts about the dollar’s value and the government’s commitment to stand behind its massive debt, foreign countries with trade surpluses with the US are less and less willing to recycle those surpluses into the purchase of US Treasury debt.

Today the two largest holders of US Treasury debt are not investors or even foreign central banks. The two largest holders are the Federal Reserve and the Social Security Trust Fund.

As for those $6 trillion wars, that’s to pay for national defense to protect us from women, children, and village elders in far away countries devoid of air forces and navies, and to provide those recycled taxpayer monies from the military/security complex that find their way into political contributions.

The Wall Street gangsters sighed for relief over the last minute debt ceiling agreement. This shows how short-term Wall Street’s outlook is. All the October agreement did was to push off the crisis to January and February. The “debt ceiling agreement” did not produce a new debt ceiling that would last beyond February, and it did not resolve the large difference between federal revenues and expenditures. In other words, the can was again kicked down the road. A repeat of the October fiasco won’t play well.

Obamacare is causing the premiums on private insurance polices to rise substantially, almost doubling in some situations unless people move to the uncertain exchanges, and Obamacare’s raid on Medicare payroll tax revenues has resulted in a cut in Medicare payments to health care providers. The result is a further reduction in consumer discretionary income and a further drop in the economy.

This in turn means a larger federal budget deficit and the need for the Federal Reserve to purchase more debt.

Another reason the Federal Reserve is faced with increasing, not tapering, quantitative easing (money printing) is the decline in foreign purchases of US Treasury bills, notes, and bonds. As the instruments pay interest that is less than the rate of inflation, holding Treasury debt makes no sense when the dollar’s value and the potential of default are open questions.

According to reports, not only are foreign governments, such as China, ceasing to buy US Treasury debt, China has started to sell off its holdings, substituting gold in the place of US Treasury debt.

This means that the bonds must be purchased by the Fed or interest rates will rise as the increased supply of bonds on the market drives down bond prices. The only way the Fed can purchase a larger supply of bonds is by printing more money, that is, by more quantitative easing.

With the world moving away from using the dollar to settle international accounts, as the Fed prints more dollars the rate at which foreign holders of dollar assets sell off their holdings will rise.

To get out of dollars requires that the dollar proceeds from selling Treasuries, US stocks and US real estate be sold in the currency markets. The selling of dollars drives down the exchange value of the US dollar and results in rising US inflation. The Fed can print money with which to purchase Treasury debt, but it cannot print foreign currencies with which to purchase dollars.

The decline in the dollar’s exchange value and the domestic inflation that results will force the Fed to stop printing. What then covers the gap between revenues and expenditures? The likely answer is private pensions and any other asset that Washington can get its hands on.

Initially, private pensions will be taxed at a rate to recover the tax-free accumulation in the pensions. The second year a national emergency will be used to confiscate some share of pensions. Those relying on the pensions will find themselves with less income. Consumer spending will decline. The economy will worsen. The deficit will widen.

You can see where this is going, and there seems to be no way out. Policymakers, economists, and corporation executives are in denial about the adverse effects of offshoring, which they still, despite all the evidence, maintain is good for the economy. So nothing will be done about offshoring. Republicans will blame the budget deficit on welfare and entitlements, and if those are cut consumer spending will decline further, widening the budget deficit. Inflation will rise as incomes fall, and social cohesion will break down.

Now you know why Homeland Security purchased 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition, enough ammunition to fight the Iraq war for 12 years, has its own para-military force and 2,700 tanks. If you think the “terrorist threat” in America warrants a domestic armed force of this size, you are out of your mind. This force has been assembled to deal with starving and homeless people in the streets of America.

September employment report: According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), September brought 148,000 new jobs, enough to keep up with population growth but not reduce the unemployment rate. Moreover, John Williams (shadowstats.com) says that one-third of these jobs, or 50,000 per month on average, are phantom jobs produced by the birth-death model that during difficult economic times overestimates the number of new jobs from business startups and underestimates job losses from business failures.

The BLS reports that 22,000 of September’s jobs were new hires by state governments, which seems odd in view of the ongoing state budgetary difficulties.

In the private sector, wholesale and retail trade produced 36,900 new jobs, which seems odd in light of the absence of growth in real median family income and real retail sales.

Transportation and warehousing produced 23,400 new jobs, concentrated in transit and ground passenger transportation. This also seems odd unless the price of gasoline and pinched budgets are forcing people onto public transportation.

Professional and business services accounted for 32,000 jobs of which 63% are temporary help jobs.

So here you have the job picture that the presstitutes, hyping “the jobs gain,” don’t tell you. The scary part of the September job report is that the usual standby, the category of waitresses and bartenders, which has accounted for a large part of every reported jobs gain since I began reporting the monthly statistics, shows job loss. Seven thousand one hundred waitresses and bartenders lost their jobs in September. If this figure is not a fluke, it is bad news. It signals that fewer Americans can afford to eat and drink out.

The unemployment rate that is reported is the rate that does not count as unemployed discouraged workers who are unable to find jobs and cease to look. This favored rate, the darling of the regime in power, the presstitutes, and Wall Street, also is not adjusted for the category of “involuntary part-time workers,” those whose hours have been cut back or because they are unable to find a full-time job. Obamacare, as is widely reported, is causing employers to shift their work forces from full time to part time in order to avoid costs associated with Obamacare. The BLS places the number of involuntary part-time workers at 7,900,000.

The announced 7.2% unemployment rate is a meaningless number. The rate can decline for no other reason than people unable to find jobs drop out of the work force. You are not counted in the work force if you are discouraged about finding a job and no longer look for a job.

The phenomena of discouraged workers shows up in the measure of the labor force participation rate, which has declined in the 21st century. The opportunities for American labor are so restricted that a rising percentage of the working age population have given up looking for jobs.

Yet, the Obama regime, the Wall Street gangsters, and the pressitute media tell us how much better the economic situation is becoming as more small businesses close, as memberships decline in golf clubs, as more university graduates return home to live with their parents, who are drawing down their savings to live, as Fed Chairman Bernanke has made it impossible for them to live on interest payments on their savings.

According to the US census bureau, real median household income in 2012 was $51,017, down 9% from $56,080 in 1999, 13 years ago. In contrast, annual compensation in 2012 for US CEOs broke all records. Two CEOs were paid more than $1 billion, and the worst paid among the top ten took home $100 million. When the presstitutes speak of economic recovery, they mean recovery for the one percent.
America is in the toilet, and the rest of the world knows it. But the neocons who rule in Washington and their Israeli ally are determined that Washington start yet more wars to create lebensraum for Israel.

Early in the 21st century the liberal Democrat Senator from New York, Chuck Schumer, and I coauthored an article in the New York Times about the adverse effects on the US economy of jobs offshoring. The article caused a sensation. The Brookings Institution in Washington quickly convened a conference which was covered by C-SPAN. C-SPAN rebroadcast the conference several times. During the conference I said that if jobs offshoring continued, the US would be a third world economy in 20 years.

Wall Street quickly shut up Senator Schumer, but I am sticking by my forecast. Indeed, I think we are already there.

Hassan Rouhani’s victory in the eleventh presidential election in June gave domestic and international observers increasing hope that the two sides would reach constructive agreements on the nuclear issue - agreements which would recognize Iran’s lawful end and inalienable right to have nuclear energy technology and would alleviate concerns regarding Tehran’s nuclear activities

In other words, this expectation was created that the new round of negotiations between Iran and six world powers, unlike eight years ago, would transform from “inconclusive ideological, philosophical discourse” in “an atmosphere of mutual distrust” to “methodical, purposeful and timely diplomacy” in “an atmosphere of mutual respect”.

In such an atmosphere, which is a result of the majority of Iranians voting for the new administration, Iranian diplomatic team sent a group of experts, Iranian diplomats with transparent and logical positions to New York and Geneva to announce the agenda of future talks to the other side - the agenda which must be implemented in a “specific timeframe” and lead to results and “specific achievements”.

Timeframe is between six months to one year and the expected results are:

1.Sep-by-step resolution of existing ambiguities and concerns about Iran’s nuclear activities in line with international rules and regulations within the framework of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)’s Safeguards, stripping the West of any pretext and dismissing accusations of the past, which hamper the possibility of mutual cooperation.

2.Recognizing Iran’s peaceful nuclear activities particularly its right to enrich uranium as well as legal measures to return Iran’s nuclear dossier from the United Nations Security Council to the IAEA Board of Governors in the first stage, and in the next stage, normalizing the outlook on Iran’s nuclear activities like other countries possessing peaceful nuclear technology and exiting it from the IAEA extraordinary meeting.

3.Halting the oppressive and illegal trend of different sanctions against Iran and in the next stage, lifting these sanctions within a specific timeframe and compensating for the damage incurred as a result of sanctions.

4.Normalizing the relations of Western countries with Iran in order to define different areas of cooperation in different fields particularly the economic and energy sectors

This form of cooperation has been defined based on the win-win model, given that Western hostilities towards Iran in the past years have been futile, the importance of economic and political situation in the Middle East and the importance of constructive and positive interaction with Iran, a relatively powerful consensus has been formed around Iran.
As expected, following this month’s Geneva talks, there were destructive and unrealistic reports in media affiliated to the anti-Iran front consisting of Western-Zionist radicals. The main point of these reports is that “Western countries should not allow the Islamic Republic to exit the economic siege and sanctions imposed against the country without paying a heavy price such as the complete halt of its nuclear activities and a lifting of sanctions should be a complicated and time-consuming process which [should take] nearly ten or more years [to be realized and should] appear impossible”. This hostile and arrogant approach by the West, which in Iranian and revolutionary lingo is considered as arrogant nature, maintains that “Iranians are willing to give the West more concessions in order for the Western sanctions to not be increased”.

These illogical statements become more considerable when media affiliated to the arrogant Zionist front quotes anonymous sources and the officials of the six world powers do not reject and confirm the existence of this dangerous scenario with their meaningful silence. Therefore it is necessary to warn the Westerns sides from a realistic position that if such a view exists among the countries negotiating with Iran or the members of the Western negotiating team and is not rejected by decision-makers in these countries, for a number of reasons they will lose the golden opportunity to negotiate with Iran and reach a sustainable and mutual agreement and secondly the irreparable harm resulting from such an approach cannot be undone for at least a decade.

These reasons are:

1.The US and its allies in recent years by defying all regulations and exerting their influence in certain international organizations have stopped at nothing in their animosity against Iran including taking measures such as assassination, sanctions and threats. Their ultimate goal has been regime change in Iran, which they have failed to achieve given the mass participation of Iranians in various elections. The principle of democracy in the Islamic Republic is the biggest political resource of the country, which prevents any all-out confrontation with Iran. Naturally, the continuation of this political-security confrontation will yield no results and its effectiveness will dwindle by the day and will draw closer to becoming neutralized because due to its past experiences, the Islamic Republic has achieved high defense capabilities in this regard. Therefore, as the proverb goes, a person in the hole stops digging and Westerners who claim to be using rationality in politics should not repeat their past mistakes.

2.Iran’s outstanding achievements in defense industries is very visible for the US and its allies and political pundits know that the cliché “all options are on the table against Iran” is merely a superpower gesture by the US and because US and its allies in the eight years of Iraqi imposed war (1980-1988) against Iran supported former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein with all their might and at the time Iran’s prowess was not comparable to present. Yet they could not achieve victory over the country. In a number of West’s proxy wars against Iran in Lebanon, Palestine and Syria, Western officials officially and publicly acknowledged that they are incapable of confronting Iran and the Islamic resistance inspired by the Islamic Republic. Therefore, the military option and threats is a big political bluff and indicates no intention to pelt.

3.Despite sanctions against Iran having created a number of problems in Iran but their effectiveness is becoming void because of solutions such as resistance economy and international relations. The continuation of sanctions will not meet the envisioned outcomes of the West and will only cause more loss of credibility of similar methods in international area.

4.For different reasons, particularly historical ones, powerful forces in Iran both in society and government are against any form of agreement, negotiations and compromise with the West and the Westerners. Without paying attention to the interests and damage inflicted by such possible agreements, they consider the essence of interaction with the West as unfavorable and resist against it. If today, Westerners see that these forces in society and government have only contented themselves with taking positions in the media due to the conditional and implied support of the highest political and religious authority in Iran - Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei who is the uniting factor of the Iranian nation and government. If for any reason, the Westerners fail to use this special opportunity to gain the trust of Iran, these accumulated forces opposing the policies of the Western governments will prevent any possible agreement with Iran in future.

5.There are reports that despite Iran and the world powers being engaged in the talks, these countries are independently trying to enter the lucrative investment projects in Iran in the new atmosphere brought about by the election and are competing with one another. Proof of this issue is oil giants trying to return to Iran’s oil and gas sectors and the British wanting to exchange charge d’affaires with Iran. Therefore, any defeat in negotiations will show the incompetence of Western governments in agreeing with one another to achieve a cooperation model with a regional power.

6.Ultimately, Westerners, particularly the US, must know that the experience of past years particularly after the fall of Saddam regime in Iraq and the Taliban in Afghanistan which was only accomplished due to Iran cooperation and green light shows that no political, economic and cultural project can be implemented in the most important geostrategic and geo- economic region of the world, i.e. Middle East, without Iran’s cooperation and without taking into consideration the interests and security of Iran. The Islamic Republic has used the factors of soft and hard war and popular support to reach such a position. Therefore, if Western countries are incapable for any reasons to achieve an agreement and entente model based on mutual respect, recognizing Iran’s inalienable rights and ending hostile policies such as economic sanctions, the game will end win-lose instead of win-win in favor of Iran.

In conclusion, the Western parties particularly US and Britain must be advised to take their own interests in mind and use the unique opportunity in the new atmosphere with Iran and not allow pointless past animosities against Iran to continue as the Zionist circles are overtly and covertly dictating options on them. 

A political expert says Iranian patients have been taking the brunt of the US-engineered sanctions against the country

“These sanctions are hurting the average ordinary Iranians… and if these sanctions continue, the number of those suffering among the average Iranian population will certainly grow,” Kaveh Afrasiabi said in an exclusive interview on Wednesday.

Afrasiabi highlighted the grave consequences of the Western restrictions on the health sector, not only in terms of “the difficulties of procuring medicine and medical equipment.”

“We need to consider other ripple effects of the sanctions in terms of increasing poverty and the difficulties for acquiring necessary medical services and so on and so forth, affecting the entire Iranian health sector,” he stressed.

The analyst blamed Israel and hawkish pro-Israel politicians in Washington and in other Western capitals for lobbying against easing the sanctions on the part of the US and other Western governments.

The United States, Israel and some of their allies have repeatedly accused Iran of pursuing non-civilian objectives in its nuclear energy program. Washington and the European Union have used the claim as an excuse to impose illegal sanctions against the Islamic Republic.

But Iran categorically rejects the allegation, arguing that as a signatory to the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and a member of the International Atomic Energy Agency, it has the right to use nuclear technology for peaceful purposes. 

‏‎The US spying scandal continues to‎‏

The US spying scandal continues to spiral. Germany has become the latest ally to confront the US over reports that it fell victim to NSA’s spying program. This only a few days after France raised similar concerns. And now add to that reports suggesting that the security agency monitored nearly 125 billion phone calls in just one month. The spying operation abroad comes as millions of Americans at home are also are being targeted by the US spying agencies. 

What do you think about the worldwide network of America’s spying program?

How the European countries should react?

How do you view their response so far?

A prominent American economist says the United States has already become a Third World economy as the world superpower continues to offshore its gross domestic product GDP

"If jobs offshoring continued, the US would be a Third World economy in 20 years,” Paul Craig Roberts wrote in a column for the Press TV website on Thursday.
“America is in the toilet, and the rest of the world knows it,” he wrote, noting, “More small businesses close, as memberships decline in golf clubs, as more university graduates return home to live with their parents, who are drawing down their savings to live.”

“With the world moving away from using the dollar to settle international accounts, as the Federal Reserve prints more dollars, the rate at which foreign holders of dollar assets sell off their holdings will rise,” wrote Roberts.

The economist added that the US neocons who rule in Washington and their Israeli ally are, however, determined that “Washington start yet more wars to create Lebensraum for Israel.”

A new jobs report released on Tuesday showed the US economic recovery continues to be sluggish and many economists warn that the constant fiscal fights in Washington only threaten to make the situation worse.

The US economy added 148,000 jobs in September while the unemployment rate dropped slightly to 7.2 percent, federal economists reported Tuesday. The report fell short of expectations as economists had estimated the number of jobs added would come in at 185,000.
“The decline in the dollar’s exchange value and the domestic inflation that results will force the Fed to stop printing. What then covers the gap between revenues and expenditures? The likely answer is private pensions and any other asset that Washington can get its hands on,” noted Roberts in his article.

Analysts say that the recent US government shutdown could cloud the value of the next two monthly reports, meaning that a clear picture of the jobs market may not appear until the December report is released in January.

۱۳۹۲ مهر ۳۰, سه‌شنبه

Jewish Zionism

Generally there are differences between Zionism and Judaism, the Zionist is a Jew, that "Zionist Jews" are known, but their Zionist Jews who disagree with them are not, as well as Jews, has a long history, while Zionism In the late nineteenth century established way of life.
Jewish-Zionist Jews to Jewish law calls for state of the world is governed.

Islam and the Quran calls Jews and the book is filled with stories and malice against the people, by Messengers of God, but never mention the name of the Zionists or the same name has, the Jews they the world must be that of the Jewish all will govern the chosen people of God in this regard and help end the problem of corruption, murder and looting and Flashlight turns up his job to be done and it is Gmanshan the context of the Jewish prophets make the presentation.
It should be noted that between Zionism and Jewish unity and friendship, and even sometimes malice and hostility are.

• Jewish Zionism features:

1) Dogs are better than non-Jewish
2) destroy the Christian's reward.
3) confiscation of land and other economic domination
4) does not prevent abuses honor non-Jews
5) According to the Talmud, the Torah and the Old Testament
6) Palestine (Jerusalem), the events of the Apocalypse

Status of women in Israel / modern slavery in Israel + photos

This is the more dangerous aspects of oneself takes a look at the rich and powerful men than women are. Centers where the harem and the current form of corruption.
Israel has inflicted violence on women is not common anywhere. Work has come to a place where human rights violations, Israeli women have become routine. In May 2000, Amnesty International issued a startling report that Israel's sake, look no Tvjhanh strongly condemned the sexual slavery.
Respect and protect women's rights and her status as one of the two species should always be considered. It is crucial that the physical weakness of women than men due to their continued oppression by men throughout history have been.
Some men and women than ever regardless of the status of women's rights she only had to look at the instrument. These men and women look at sex as a commodity to think that women just to satisfy their animal senses have been created.
This is the more dangerous aspects of oneself takes a look at the rich and powerful men than women are. Centers where the harem and the current form of corruption.
When you look at a woman as a commodity, and to allow oneself the power and wealth of their fellow man, and he was dealing with such a car, and without undue benefit purposes are, and this is what In the past it was referred to as slavery. Traditionally, those who were defeated in battle or weaker than the others, were taken as slaves and were quite formal and regular market.
However, this phenomenon appears to be non-human life for centuries, but in modern society is changing and the new package, capitalism does not validate the authenticity of the profit and pleasure, it has been revived! Israeli regime is well known that an extract of the West is also necessary. Modern slavery is not necessary to find the hidden dimensions of Israel-depth look at classes, we can also inhumane phenomenon and I can see it easily on the streets of Tel Aviv.
That violence against women in this country are not to be used anywhere in the world. Work has come to a place where human rights violations, Israeli women have become routine. In May 2000, Amnesty International issued a startling report that Israel's sake, look no Tvjhanh strongly condemned the sexual slavery. After the publication of this report has been formed as a result of the explosion in the Israeli parliament was forced to end the trafficking of women and deems it a crime to a maximum of 16 years in prison.
But the story of this new law to become. At that point, members of the House of Israel Svld Maureen Keane said: "Nobody wants (in Israel) makes this topic. It is most convenient not just pretend that these women have been trafficked migrants and not the tribe of Israel. "
CNN recently released film also discloses that: "In the streets of Tel Aviv, next to food and clothing stores and hair salons, department stores also sell women into slavery there. There are women in the windows of the store price sticker on their hands and installed in addition to age, height, weight and country of birth are listed "he says.
CNN stating that 300 km border with Egypt Israel's most important trade route is the Women of Israel said in addition to the rape of women and violence, abuse and brutality are placed. The American news network with implicit reference to the statistical terrible savagery of Israel said that some of these women, 365 days a year are raped often more than 15 times. However, the news network reported that the general tone of the crime itself has admitted that Israel should immediately and prior to the issue of human rights organizations focusing on the issue of women in supermarkets to stop selling. Despite a report revealing that the Western countries are the defenders of women's rights do not take any measures to prevent such crimes.
 The modern slave trade: a showcase store in the mall "Dizin Gvf" in Tel Aviv
Looking at the statistics of sexual slavery in Israel
In a report published in 2003 by the Institute for the Hotline for Migrant Workers and the media censorship that prevailed in Israel recently did the other day, the members of the prostitutes Israeli police say a Pro customers are tablets have. The Israeli police and take advantage of this network is not in doubt.
Amnesty International's 2005 report first to the inhuman discrimination against women in Israel and around the world to honor the humanity of the human tragedy that occurred in Israeli society to expose.
Five years have passed since that report and the other report, Amnesty International has stated that the Israeli government has not done anything to solve the human story of the human tragedy of the government is the honor women continue.
The procedure to be indebted to them first and then take their passports and then they have to be taken for life. So far it has been said, find some parts of International Zionism, modern slavery, honor, humanity. But this story has a secret process that has been said about that little, if not nothing is said of the government of Israel and the event from the profit
Sexual slavery.
According to the report, the Committee of the Association of Human Rights has published research on the trafficking of women in Israel's Knesset, 3 to 5 Every year thousands of women are brought to Israel tens of thousands of women Currently dakhme of sex in the Israel in sale. But it is interesting that these statistics are not high, not low. These statistics are the tens of thousands and is stable.
In other words, for every hundred men of Israel, a sex slave, but they are constantly changing. No doubt the intelligence of the system and the book is working to maintain the number of women each year should be changed as 30 to 50 percent of them.
 The modern slave trade: a showcase store in the mall "Dizin Gvf" in Tel Aviv
According to another by Israeli researcher, Michael Specter has been revealed, in Israel one day about twenty-five thousand women raped in underground brothels miserable occur.
The same investigator with the same subject in an article writes that other brothels in Israel would come out of the ground state so that other brothels by the men of Israel is not difficult. Trapykana Quarter (Tropicana) in the center of Tel Aviv is one of the places on earth that have come into his crib and introduce manual and CD prostitute their good offices to San bored Israeli troops and members of customs, especially among men The police is hand in hand.
Jacob Golan, one of the owners of brothels where prostitution is just the same neighborhood Trapykana the two institutions to Specter has said that Israelis love Russian girls, so we're Russian women of the neighborhood with.
Pathologic causes of the sex trade in Israel
What is really the role of government in Israel's sex trade? Why international institutions have remained silent in the face of such a blatant event? Just because a law passed in 2000 to pursue such issues in the Knesset, the pursuit of criminals subject to a victim's testimony is not wise, but that does not usually like this testimonies of the victims whose keep away dignities remaining said.
According to Amnesty International, at least a billion dollars a year to Israel for sexual slavery for trafficking cartels has.
However, the book never heavenly sex trade and slavery have not accepted it but the Talmud - Jewish religious books - they have learned to "non-Jewish Jew has the right to usurp women steal and commit adultery with them, and criminal punishment have ".
They have learned to "honor non violence does not stop, because the infidels, such as animals and animals are not married" to judges and judicial officers are taught that "every Jew and Gentile have a complaint, you will be entitled to the Jewish What is void. ».
They are taught that the State is permitted to lie to non-Jews are permitted to eat and swear falsely, and the Israeli Foreign Ministry revealing any report about the sex trade in Israel is denying the lap leaders of the regime.
The modern slave trade: a showcase store in the mall "Dizin Gvf" in Tel Aviv

 Amnesty International's report states: "Most young women have come to Israel from foreign, have become a commodity and the payment of several thousand dollars to be transferred to another person and can be traded. Those who These women have bought, they work like a slave to compel obscene amount of money that they have to get back to the fall. these women are trapped in apartments and passports and tickets journey by the person who bought them, be confiscated. many of these individuals are the types of violence., however, that "government of the people of Israel never to violate human rights in horrible shape, The judicial system does not introduce any penalty for these individuals will not be considered.
The dignity of women in Israel, Israel and America who constantly pushing the tail of human rights protection.

Zionist goals in Palestine

Zionism is a political movement that aims to attract Jewish immigration to Palestine and to provide a background to the Jewish state as a symbol of Jewish culture and religion, it is Palestine.
Zionism is a Jewish movement characterized racism. The movement in the mid-nineteenth century by "Theodor Herzl" began its activity. Zionism aims at establishing for the Jewish National Vatani are summarized. They began meeting in Basel in 1897. The Palestinian excuse that point of time they lived in, were selected.

Outside the government actually succeeded Zionist movement in Palestine at the heart of the Arab lands, and most of the population is homeless. The Zionists succeeded to win more support for UN membership and recognition of his regime, the country with a gain international legitimacy.
After the collapse of the Ottoman Caliphate and Turkish relinquish the Arab and Muslim world, Palestine was under British tutelage and then transferred to the center of the British Zionist Zionists number of high positions in government, including members of the British Parliament and Secretary of Balfour arrived UK time with his famous statement gave part of Palestine to the Zionists.
It was such a good Zionist regime on 15 May 1948 when the British left Palestine, was formed.
Main characteristic of Zionist racism training
Jews believe that all people have their cruelty and hatred of all peoples, especially the Arabs have taken to heart. Zionists believe that the Arab nations are plundering their territory. Haifa University professor Martha Hiller doctor about Zionists believe says:
"Greed and ambition Ashyvnysthast main character, the temperament of the Zionists will distinguish themselves from other nations."
Basic characteristics of the Zionist economy
Despite the diversity of a small population
Emphasis on the recruitment and property.
The realization of the Zionist regime's nuclear arsenals of dangerous military weapons at its disposal. Due to the progress of Israeli society institutes of technology and progress. In addition, the average growth of the Zionist regime in 1992. Three times the economic growth in Egypt. The reason for this difference is also a Hebrew state's economy relies on technology and underdevelopment in this area goes back to Egypt, the Egyptian economy is based on simple technologies.
The Zionist regime is a must for economic development funds and loans from the U.S. Serial and his administration plays an important role in this regard. Large private aid organizations also have an important role in this regard. On the other hand, $ 52 million annual U.S. aid from 1961 to 1965 in the first half of the eighties to the 9/2 billion dollars, and this effect was remarkable in the economic boom of the Regime.
Aid to the poor and even the Zionist regime as "Ariel Sharon" Zionist prime minister in a cabinet meeting, said: "The U.S. $ 70 billion of U.S. troops to Israel for military service due to our debt."
Israeli society, the necessity of adhering to the land and protect it is highly encouraged. They hate the Arabs because the land sale. However, due to limited land sales to Jews in Palestine to the Zionist policy of the British in return.
The Zionists sought to punish your evil thoughts and domination cancer Palestinian lands without buying them and tried to commit acts of mass killing and brutality against Palestinians staged Ddmnshanhay and grounds were seized, considered the symbol of their religious beliefs.
Hence, the main objective of protecting the Zionist land grab and the occupation and the seizure of more land.
Another characteristic of the Zionist personalities and feelings of isolation Zltgzyny and innocence. This led them into genius and those religious ideas, inventions and technologies in the past to pay compensation.
Israeli Society of Hebrew and Jewish heritage will be protected. Zionists much emphasis on learning the language even before they go to school, so that textbooks are written in this language and important place in schools and training centers are devoted to it.
Zionist camps and other activities for children in kindergarten and have to quickly learn to speak Hebrew. Religious Zionists of Hebrew language and means of addressing and communicating with others is not the cause of unity and to deepen the social relationships between the Zionists and the sense of patriotism.
The Zionist institutions considerable attention to the development of military morale among adolescents and young people. Zionist regime as a means to achieve the goal of knowledge essential to the development of their military capabilities, and relying on the support system is always ready to keep fighting.
In this respect, constantly preparing themselves in various fields and promote the spirit of innovation and aggression among youth Mbardrt and repudiates all the facilities to consolidate their support of Israeli society takes advantage of military activities.
While Arab nations are looking for ways to create divisions among Arab nations and promoting a spirit of despair among teenagers and young adults.

Zionists personality

Prejudice: the prejudice emanating from the Zionists prepared, knowing their thoughts, Khvdbrtr nose and innocent of any sin. So they just assume their genius, but believe they are God's chosen nation.
Retreat and isolation: The isolation and characterization of other characters Zltgzyny Zionist oppression is felt. This led them into genius and those religious ideas, inventions and technologies in the past to pay compensation.

Israeli Society of Hebrew and Jewish heritage will be protected. Zionists much emphasis on learning the language even before they go to school, so that textbooks are written in this language and important place in schools and training centers are devoted to it.
Perfidy: the Zionists prominent character trait. Especially in the scriptures of the Holy Quran and pointed to the realities of the statement emphasizes. Several agreements were signed with the Zionists, but they violated it.
Zionist community in Palestine
Social composition of the Zionist community in Palestine is a mix of conflicting factors. Israeli society is not so well known convergence.
The Zionist regime Bnyangrayan mix of cultures, attitudes, customs, and the problem of conflicting social and cultural pluralism within a society has created. In addition to Jews, the original inhabitants of this land are the Zionist regime, which has added to the complexity of the social context of the Zionist regime.
Zionist Jewish groups large and close to each other in terms of population and in terms of social status are divided. Each group according to the nature and location of migration (his country) is divided into smaller sets.
Israeli society approaches, the social context, objectives and means to achieve them, and how to teach your child `s education in various stages of indirectly explains. It would be better to split community, society and racist Zionist Extremist Jews in different countries of the world have come together in Palestine.